Thursday night was my lucky night. On Tuesday I took my camera out and took pictures for 4 hours, all over town, photos of things that I have been wanting to shoot for a while now. I got home and they were terrible! Such a bummer to spend so much time and get nothing. So I was starting to panic by Thursday night knowing that I have nothing for Photo Friday. My hubby was busy tonight so I decided to go to the Gardens by the Bay Super Tree Grove Light Show. This is on every night at 7:45 and 8:30. Free show, lasts about 10 - 15 minutes and the Gardens are such a pretty place to be anyway. I love it there and I go often since its so close to home. There are always a lot of people out, lots of runners in that area, lots of families and kids on scooters and bikes. Good place to be, good vibes. Here are my photos, hope you enjoy them!

This is an older photo I took of the Super Trees during the daytime. There are plants growing up from the bottom and the plan is to have them totally covered in plants. The tallest tree has a restaurant at the top. I haven't been, yet, but I think it is sooooo cool! I would love to go (hint hint hubby). The Super Trees range in height from 25-50 meters.
One of my first shots of the night. Sun it almost down, getting close to show time!
Pan to the right just a bit and you can see a peak of the Singapore Flyer in the bottom right of the photo. There is also a walkway near the top of the super trees going from one tree to another, not a full loop but plenty long enough to enjoy some great views.
Pan to the left a little and you can see the city skyline and the super tree elevated walkway a little better.
Here is a zoom shot of the walkway. Now you can see it!
Show is starting!
There is music playing and the super trees lights are changing along with the rhythm. There are families and couples gathered to watch the show. I would guess there are 50-60 people tonight. Some are sitting on the benches and some are sitting on the ground, enjoying the night breeze.
Maybe 10 photographers are here with tripods. Wonder if they are all tourists?
I am just constantly shooting, left with over 300 photos.
And it just occurred to me that after posting a dozen or so photos of the same fake trees in different colors that it might not be all that interesting to anyone other than me who finds it absolutely amazing that I can get out there and take half decent photos all on my own. So I apologize if this is not so interesting. Fingers crossed next week I find some really neat things around town to photograph. I'm always open to suggestions if there is something you'd like to see.
Happy Friday!!!