I like a photo project or theme to work on. For a while now I have been collecting photos of interesting signs. Some you have seen before and some are new.
Yes, how did you know? Lucky me :)
In case they haven't made themselves clear with four languages there is a picture showing what will happen upon entry. Crystal clear, thank you!
Got it! No touching.
This is not just a photo of motorcycles parked on a sidewalk. The sign near the middle of the photo is too small to see from here but I have a close up.
The sign says No Parking. Maybe it needs to be in four languages with a photo of a tow truck?
Another no parking sign on a sidewalk. Parking is an issue here and with so many delivery services using motorcycles they mostly ride up on the corner and park on the sidewalk. I've said it before and I'll say it again. One of these days I'll get run down by a motorcycle on the sidewalk, I just know it.
Wow, this is sort of cool though. Its in a courtyard area for an apartment complex asking people to keep quiet to not disturb their neighbors. There must have been 6 of them all a few feet apart in this tiny space.
Who doesn't want to put the fun between their legs?
LOL! Parental approval not required.
Whoever posted this sign is a person after my own heart. We could be friends.
Don't feed the monkeys. Personally I think this sign should be much much bigger. I think it would also help to have each and every visitor to parks with monkeys sign a contract to keep them from feeding the monkeys. Maybe have security patrolling the parks to ensure the safety of the visitors who are scared of the monkeys. That would be so sweet! Or maybe have a security guard - monkey deflector - escort option? Whoa, brainstorming!
Random notice board.
Love it with the shoes on the ground and the statue barefoot. At most (if not all) temples around town you must remove your shoes before entering. Makes for some very dirty feet!
This is a sign on a random closed door in hallway, seemingly going to nowhere anyone would want to go anyway. Politeness overkill!
Bad parking jobs are an international issue. Don't be a parking space hog. One of my favorite signs ever. I can laugh since I am not driving here and I know this is not especially for me.
Random signs posted outside a neighborhood coffee shop. Looking closer there is something quite cute here.
A close up of the above sign. I think I've seen that lost cat at East Coast Park :)
Neighborhood block party cum Dengue Exhibition? We know how to party in Singapore!
The bubble says, "I made you a sushi but I ate it." Aaawwww. So dramatic!

Give Way Glenda is the coolest MRT rider ever. This sign is part of the Singapore Land Transport Authority Graciousness on Public Trains movement. Glenda has friends, Bag Down Benny so you aren't bumping your big bags into others, Stand Up Stacy to give your seat to someone who really needs it, Move In Martin so you aren't in the way of the exit/entrance and Hush Hush Hannah so not everyone has to listen to your music screaming from your headphones. They all have signs on many trains around town. Could you imagine the Graciousness movement in New York City or San Fransisco? They may have a Pick it in Private Patrick and a Smell ya Later Steven, LOL! I have taken public transportation in quite a few cities now and I can say without a doubt that Singapore has the cleanest, safest and most efficient public transportation system ever. I have only seen an adult clip his toenails on the train once leaving behind a pile of yuck on the floor. GROSS!!!
Happy Friday!!!