Friday, March 14, 2014

Water Drop Photography

The air quality has found itself back in the unhealthy range most of the time these days thanks to fires burning in Malaysia and Indonesia. I have been trying to stay indoors with my super high powered air cleaner close by so at least we can have clean air at home but I am BORED! I knew these days were probably coming again after the record breaking terrible air quality we had last year so I have been trying to get a few indoor photography projects together to keep my blog going. One subject I have wanted to try was water drops. I built a studio using a ziplock with water and a pin hole hanging off a chair dripping water into a bowl. I tried to use my tripod for this but I really didn't need it with such fast shutter speeds and it was easier to shoot without it.

This would have been perfect if it wasn't for the odd ripples just off center.

This one is pretty perfect, except it needs to be a bit sharper on the drip.

Nice drip :)

Oh my, what a big drip!

So I am so proud of myself for doing this and getting great drip shots and I am looking at the photos and telling my husband, "oh, look at this one" for every shot and it occurs to me that it may not be that interesting to anyone other than myself. It was fun and sort of easy to do and it was successful on my first try so I was really excited. I suppose I wouldn't want to look at 100 photos of water drops either unless I took them myself. OK, I get it.  Here are a few other shots that may be more interesting.

One of my framing shots I took in Chinatown. This is looking at an area where there is always a few groups of men playing some kind of tile games, maybe mahjong?

One door leads to another, literally. 

Infinite archways.

New obsession is to get a good flame/fire/smoke photo without burning down the house :)

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