Thursday, January 2, 2014


Exercise 4 in my photography project book is "Collections". I don't really collect anything. We live in a small condo, 1600 square feet including the balcony space that we never use because it is 90 degrees and 90% humidity outside everyday. It isn't a place to start a collection, unless it is absolutely necessary! So here are my completely necessary collections...enjoy!

Completely necessary to keep 24 issues (and counting) of Expat Living magazine! This is extremely important and useful information regarding the best restaurants, shops and events in Singapore. 

Geoff and I have been running machines lately! OK, maybe that is a bit much, but we are having a lot of fun doing all of these different races.  Race bibs are great to keep as souvenirs.

I am not a Buddhist or a religious person but for me this is necessary because it is beautiful. I probably shouldn't include this photo since its just one Buddha. I do plan on expanding my Buddha collection soon so maybe its OK. Anyway, the photo turned out well so I'm including it.

This isn't the whole cook book collection, just some of them. I love cook books since I cook most nights for us. I think since we have been in Singapore I have added 5 to the collection. Every time we move I pack them up and take them with me. I couldn't survive without them even though I still at times have no idea what I'm going to cook for dinner.

Race medals to go with some of the race bibs! Not all races hand out medals to their runners so its a treat to get them. Some are super fancy and some are not but I love them all! I want enough to decorate a Christmas tree some day.

Couldn't decide which shot was better so putting them both up. It is meant to be out of focus at the top of the photo to give a better sense of distance from the top of the medal to the medal itself. 

My nesting dolls!!! Absolutely necessary and so beautiful! Geoff used to travel to Russia and Estonia for work and he would always bring me back a new nesting doll. 

Coins...not a coin collection but a collection of coins. :)

Chinese New Year is coming up at the end of January and I am working on ideas for photographs. Fingers crossed I can come up with a few interesting shots. If anyone reading this blog has any suggestions, requests or critiques I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Friday!!!

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